Samhain Dumb Supper


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Saturday, October 22, 2022 – 4-8pm

Welcome to the Duchy of Dragon’s Rest – by invitation of Dame Oceanmist and Flora the Fairy you are invited being the misted shroud into the realms of the underdwellers, sluagh, bean sidhe, the white lady, the undead, spirits, and ghosts. Take your seat at the table and join the Feast of the Dead!

This is a FREE event. Your PATREON MEMBERSHIP entitles you to the additional following:

  • Prioritized Seating (All according to patreon level) & name placard
  • Event Pin (Trouping Fae and above)
  • FIRST ever Event Poster for Samhain! (Trouping Fae and above)
  • VIP Bag + Bonus Game Clues (Gentry and above)

ABOUT Dumb Supper: Feast of the Dead is an old Samhain tradition. In this case dumb refers to not speaking, being silent. During this time, the veil between worlds is thin. The Dumb Supper is a meal that is eaten in total silence, with a guest of honour seat for the dearly departed, ancestors and those who have passed beyond into the other-realms.

–There will be potluck style food-stuffs for the Feast, a Book of the Dead to enter names for the tolling of the bell, and tealights to leave for remembrance. 
–You are encouraged to bring a small picture or item to place at the Guest of Honor seat (this is a chair that will be left vacant in recognition of those beyond the shroud may join us).

–All participants are encouraged to dress up in their finery, black, white, silver, grey, and other muted colors are the theme.

–Seating will be in descending order according to Title/Rank on through open seats.


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